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 The 4335 Rule

This trick may not work on all computers
This has been surprising users for quite some time. When you enter a few secret codes, notepad hides them.

  Open notepad and type in BUSH HID THE FACTS

Close notepad and open it again to see the magic
Can you read it again ? This is called the 4335 Rule. This means, if the first word is four words, the second and third as three words, and the fourth as five words, then you follow the 4335 rule and the text is hidden.

2.Open a file using notepad
Here is a simple trick to open any file or program with notepad.

Open notepad and type the following:

Start path of file

Then save the file as Shortcut.bat
Please note that the file type should be kept as ALL FILES while saving it as a .bat file.

Change path of file with your actual file path. For example if you have a file called run with an extension .exe in the folder TEST in C:\ drive, then your path should be something like this: C:\TEST\run.exe

If you want to open some complicated programs such as Firefox, then use this code:

START /d “path of folder” program.extension

Change path of folder with the actual path of the folder, and put the name of the program with its extension. For example if you have a file called run with an extension of .exe in the folder TEST in C:\ drive, then your code should be something like this: ”START /d “C:\TEST run.exe

About omkar mishra

omkar mishra
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HACK & HANG ANY  ONE COMPUTER STEPS FOR CREATING CODE 1.Just go to notepad 2.Copy and paste this below cod...


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